Terminal Eden (2005)
"Dunedin artist Ana Terry has begun to establish a sculptural vocabulary that manipulates found objects to both enlarge and alter their associative presence. In this project she works with obsolescent technology that she has intercepted on it’s way to the dump, exploring and critiquing an increasingly insatiable and insanely unsustainable production and consumption of technology. Terry reworks the cast-off items manipulating their surfaces and interiors so that the objects are ‘reactivated to generate a sense of pathos’ with a beauty and superseded ugliness that may unplug perceptions. Terry’s "Terminal Eden" is a place where our desires are recognised, the lure of technology is acknowledged but the hardware may also have the power to interrupt our composure. Terry ‘intimately teases out’ our individual responses and responsibilities within a much broader global process of western capitalism..." |
Ashburton Art Gallery, Ashburton, NZ, 2007
Blue Oyster Art Space, Dunedin, NZ, 2005 |